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2 yrs


I can live with older children

I can live in a rural area or a city

I can live with some dogs

I may be able to live with cats

I need medium walks

Thai mixed breed

About Me

Hi, I’m Violet.

I love everything. That’s right, everything. You name it, I love it. Playing, walking, cuddling, training… I love it all. Everything is just so exciting. I like it here at Lanta Animal Welfare, it’s much better than where I used to live (you can read more about that below), but some of my doggie friends have recently gone to something called their ‘forever home’, and that sounds nice.

The nice girls and boys at LAW are looking for one of those for me. I can’t wait to go there.

Adopted to Germany

What Makes Me Special

I am very loveable and ultra-friendly, and I’m just as friendly with the humans as I am with other doggies.

I can be a bit boisterous when I play with my doggie pals, but that’s only because I’m having so much fun. I would never hurt anyone. Some of the Thai staff here have a nickname for me. They call me ‘the cow’, apparently because I’m black and white. I don’t know, I’m not even sure what a cow is! But it makes everyone laugh, and that’s good. If the humans are happy, I’m happy.

Why am I Here at Lanta Animal Welfare?

I was brought to Lanta Animal Welfare with my mum and my sister. We came for an operation called ‘sterilisation’ and then we were supposed to go back to the bad shelter where we were living. It was horrible there, but luckily the nice people at LAW thought we were all so cute that they decided to keep us here and find us new homes. We were so lucky.